Thursday, October 4, 2012

Auto-tuned Presidential Debate Lays Down Political Beats [VIDEO]

Did you think the presidential debate yesterday was slightly boring? Do you think it would have been so much better if there was some music in the background? Or, you know, if instead of talking Barack Obama and Mitt Romney sang instead?

[More from Mashable: Twitter Dominated Online Chatter About the Presidential Debate]

Luckily, YouTube comes to the rescue. The Gregory Brothers, who brought us the other auto-tuned classics like Oh My Dayum, have turned some highlights of yesterday's presidential debate into a song.

SEE ALSO: ‘Mitt Romney Style’ Is Gangnam Style Parody [VIDEO]

[More from Mashable: ‘Big Bird,’ ‘Simpson Bowles’ Among Top Debate Google Searches]

"Debates are better as musicals," sings one of the Gregory Brothers towards the end of the video. Check out the video above to judge for yourself.

NASA Astronauts Dressed Like Jedi Monks in 1964

On Aug. 13, 1964, four NASA astronauts participated in desert survival training in the dusty sands of Reno, Nev. John Young, Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong and Deke Slayton wore brightly-colored parachute fabric that made the space travelers look like some sort of intergalactic Jedi monks.

Add a Wookiee to the mix and you have the premise for a Star Wars sequel starring real life space heros.

Image courtesy of NASA

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This story originally published on Mashable here.

Source & Image : Yahoo

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