At Thursday, vice president for Chrome and apps Sundar Pichai described as the world's most popular browser. To celebrate, the company just posted a video to that illustrates Chrome's journey since its launch in September 2008.
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Pichai, and Google's history lesson video, both claim 310 million Chrome users worldwide. The video doesn't claim a source, and Pichai was pretty vague about sourcing, according to reports from the conference.
The digital analytics service StatCounter backs up Google's claim to the throne, however. Over the past six weeks, Chrome just edged out Internet Explorer in web traffic served.
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According to StatCounter, Chrome accounted for 32.68% of over that time, compared to 32.05% for Internet Explorer. So far , StatCounter says, the respective numbers are 32.92% for Chrome and 32.1% for Internet Explorer.
StatCounter's numbers are taken from the pageview data of 3 million websites, and considered by many to be an accurate judge of browser popularity. But Net Applications, another service that looks at unique visitors to determine browser popularity, paints a different picture.
Its most recent data shows Internet Explorer with a commanding . Chrome and Firefox each clock in at about 20%. Safari of mobile and tablet browser share, according to Net Applications.
Not surprisingly, Microsoft considers Net Applications to the be the standard for determining browser popularity, and outlines why in .
The video, which features a breezy soundtrack in place of narration, shows press clippings, user milestones and the ways in which developers have helped grow Chrome into what it is today. It highlights additions such as the , WebGL compatibility and integration.
Which numbers do you trust most? Let us know in the comments.
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This story originally published on Mashable .
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