Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Overconfidence Can Be a Startup Killer [VIDEO]

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In the last episode of TechStars, we saw what happens to team dynamics when when founders don't have the same level of passion about their startup and one founder isn't ready to go all-in.

In this episode, we watch as $1 million in funding for one TechStars company leads to cockiness that some business veterans think could be a hindrance to success in the long run.

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Watch the Full Season of TechStars on Mashable

Watch as early confidence turns to hubris before reality sets and some of that overconfidence is pushed down a bit. Also learn about the importance of relationship building with investors and mentors.

Check out the latest episode above, and be sure to leave your thoughts on the topic in the comments below.

TechStars on Mashable

Getting into a top startup accelerator program can make the difference between a company making it big and being lost in the ether. Mashable is going behind the scenes of that experience by bringing the show TechStars to our community.

We've made the entire series available on-demand, and chopped it up into short segments that are ideal for Internet viewing. Over the course of the next couple of months, we'll also be sharing each episode as part of a Mashable post, giving our community a chance to discuss the themes of each show in our comments section. You can read more about TechStars on Mashable here.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

Source & Image : Yahoo

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