Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wall Street Journal remains No. 1 US newspaper

NEW YORK (AP) — A media industry group says The Wall Street Journal remains the No. 1 U.S. newspaper with average weekday circulation of 2.1 million, about the same as a year earlier.

USA Today was No. 2 with 1.8 million, down less than 1 percent. The New York Times was in third place with 1.6 million, up 73.1 percent.

The figures released Tuesday by the Audit Bureau of Circulations cover the six months that ended on March 31. On average, overall daily circulation rose less than 1 percent for the 618 participating newspapers. Circulation for the 532 newspapers that report Sunday data grew 5 percent.

Digital circulation, which includes tablet or smart phone apps, e-readers and websites, accounted for 14.2 percent of newspapers total circulation. That's up from 8.6 percent a year earlier.

Source & Image : Yahoo

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