Tuesday, May 1, 2012

RIM reportedly considers patent trolling to boost business

As Research In Motion continues to explore any and all options that might help carry it through the next two quarters until it finally launches its first BlackBerry 10 smartphone and beyond, one option reportedly on the table is patent trolling. RIM recently hired law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP to explore a number of possible paths it might take in the near term and the long term as its struggles continue, and according to Techdirt, one of those options is to take a more aggressive stance with its patents. As the patent wars heat up in the mobile space, Microsoft seems to be the only major player pulling in substantial revenue from its recent publicized dealings involving aggressive patent plays. Even Apple, despite its numerous efforts, has yet to score any big wins of note. Whether or not RIM can manage to successfully weaponize its patent portfolio — if it is in fact exploring that option — remains to be seen, but the pressure is on as BlackBerry World 2012 kicks off with no new product announcements to be found following a brief preview of its next-generation smartphone platform.


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Source & Image : Yahoo

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